SAF Environmental Impact Report for Syzygy Plasmonics
In a recent lifecycle analysis report, Boundless Impact Research & Analytics compares Syzygy's sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) technology to competing aviation fuels, including Jet A, Power-to-Liquid (PtL), and ethanol-based Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ-e).
The study concludes that Syzygy SAF has a GHG footprint of -2.50 g CO2e/MJ when utilizing biogas and wind energy, giving it the lowest carbon footprint compared to other SAF pathways.
Read the full Syzygy SAF lifecycle analysis report.

GHG Footprint analysis is based on a well-to-wake system boundary.
The environmental performance reflects all upstream and downstream impacts from raw material extraction and transportation to fuel production and combustion. This assessment does not account for environmental impacts from Syzygy's facility infrastructure or product packaging, following alignment with industry-standard Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology.
Learn more about Boundless Impact Research & Analytics.