Patents play a key role in the Syzygy Plasmonics business model. Since day one, Syzygy has focused on protecting its technology, including aggressively pursuing patents relating to Syzygy’s novel technology in the fields of photocatalytic reactor cells, photocatalytic reactor cell subcomponents, photocatalysts, and chemical processing system designs. Syzygy's patent strategies are continuously adjusting to incorporate the latest advancements from its R&D efforts and to stay aligned with changes in the competitive IP landscape. Syzygy Plasmonics has filed over 140 patent applications in over 20 countries.

In accordance with 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code, the reader is hereby placed on notice of Syzygy Plasmonics' rights in the United States Patents listed on this site and associated with the following products.



The RIGEL™ reactor cell is protected by the following US-issued patents and other patent pending applications:

• 11,883,810

• 11,890,606

• 11,779,898

• 10,766,024

The RIGEL™ reactor cell is also protected by issued patents in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russia, and Singapore.

Contact to request more information regarding Syzygy’s extensive patent portfolio.

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